Balco – Boschkop Balco

Boschkop Balco of Craffenheim Registration certificate

Boschkop Balco of Craffenheim HD and ED Certificate

Working Dog Profile

Boschkop Balco of Craffenheim came to us, quite by accident almost, from Garsonheim Rottweilers in Jacobsdal – on a freezing cold day – the 6th of June 2014. I braved the cold to Bloemfontein where I met Mariette and she handed this gorgeous boy and his two daughters over to me. His pet name is Koekoe – which I decided to South Africanise a bit to Quoekoe – and you better believe we are Cuckoo about Quoekoe.

Quoekoe’s grandfather was the one and only Djuke Von Vilstater Land – we are all allowed our favourites, and he is mine – hands down.  Djuke was also the father of our beloved Orka Von Vilstaler Land.  Like any exceptionally well bred dog, Quoekoe arrived here and adapted to me and his environment without skipping a beat.  He came into the house, checked everything out, drank some water and ate his food and came to lie next to me and went to sleep as though he had lived here his whole life – a gentle and very affectionate boy, he has crawled into the deepest corner of my heart!

Quoekoe – pronounced Cuckoo as in Cuckoo clock – has a perfect hip and elbow score of HDA2A2 ED00 which for us is not negotiable in a stud dog.

Quoekoe’s stud career started on his first morning here, in fact by the time the first week was up, three litters of puppies were on their way – not all De Liemers litters I might add – he is very much in demand with other top SA Breeders and you will find their puppy notifications on our “What’s up in the Puppy Box” page as soon as we know that we have a pregnancy or are ready to announce the birth of another litter. Where possible we will add a link to the website of the breeder for you to follow.

Stud enquires are, as always, very welcome, and you can read more about out stud policy on the front page of the Male Rottweilers section of this website.