olivermainpic2014Oliver – Lieberlumar Bastion of De Liemers

Lieberlumar Bastion of De Liemers HD & ED Certificate

Lieberlumar Bastion of De Liemers Registration Certificate

Working Dog Profile

And then one day out of the the blue came a call from a lovely lady from Cape Town looking for a stud dog – she had been to every breeder and every show and had decided that Orka was the final choice for her SA Champion Bitch – and so it came to pass that Lulu Maree of Liberlumar Rottweilers in Cape Town produced her second litter – And then tragedy struck De Liemers Rottweilers and we lost our Orka.  Lulu immediately offered her pick of the litter male to me, and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands.  The most gorgeous puppy arrived here and he has since turned into a larger than life boy with more personality than is required, strictly speaking!!  Oliver has proved quite popular as a stud dog and has produced some great litters with other breeders, as well as with some of our own girls, Carla and Kelly in particular.  With Oscar as his half brother, we feel like we won the whole lottery!!  Thank you to Lulu for your generosity in offering to give this gorgeous son of ours back to us – he means the world to us and we expect many more great things from him!
