carla 052-350Carla – Staaldam Precious Gemma of De Liemers

Date of Birth: 14 September 2010
HD B2:B2 ED 2:2

Staaldam Precious Gemma of De Liemers Registration Papers

Staaldam Precious Gemma of De Liemers HD and ED Certificate

Staaldam Precious Gemma of De Liemers MRL 2011 Junior Bitch Critique

Working Dog Profile


Carla is Dexter’s daughter – bred by Listel Scheepers of Staaldam Rottweilers – the most beautiful puppy she was – I could not resist her! Everybody who comes to view our dogs singles her out and then I have to smile to myself.

Carla had beautiful litters with Tyson and Orka, as well as two litters so far with Quoekoe, and one with Oliver – she is such a pleasure in the puppy box, loves her puppies to bits and keeps everything spotless all by herself.  Like Dexter himself, and all of his progeny, she is automatically obedient and affectionate – I am telling you that she understands every word I say, and when she lies with her front paws crossed on my kitchen floor, I see her beautiful father in front of me!