keta--(8)Keta – Staaldam Ms Young Star

Staaldam Ms Young Star ED & HD Certificate

Staaldam Ms Young Star Registration Certificate

So Khetha may (or may not) have killed a couple of goats on the plot of the people who bought her as a (most beautiful) puppy!  Oops…Turns out she was in fact found guilty of the crime – she adamantly denies all charges and claims that her brother the Yorkie was 100% guilty.  In any case, her accusers sentenced her to come back to De Liemers Rottweilers ( we were DELIGHTED to have her back of course – I mean have you seen this girl!).  With Bond and Dexter as her grandfathers on both sides how could she not just be absolutely perfect!

This of course includes her perfect dysplasia score of HDA1A1 HD00 (we have a couple of those at De Liemers by the way, with the dogs that we bred ourselves mostly) – Khetha’s parents are also De Liemers dogs who produced this gorgeous girl under the Staaldam flag.

Khetha has yet to produce a litter – we are waiting (im)patiently however, and you will be the first to know of the happy tidings as soon as we can announce them.  I suppose it goes without saying that if you are going to insist on keeping goats the perhaps you should pass on one of her puppies!