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WE DO NOT PHOTOSHOP our photos…ok, maybe because we don’t know how to, but still…we just don’t!

Yip!!  Sadly a lot of those really amazing photos that you see on Facebook or (especially overseas) websites have been photoshopped.  It is a bit like plastic surgery I suppose – fix the boobs or inject some collagen to achieve the best end result – fair enough.

But not really fair if you are presenting a photo of a dog that will be used for breeding – photoshopping his eyes and pink lips or white spot is very common and I think in very bad taste.  If the photo I have taken of a dog facing the sun makes it look as though the dog has light eyes, too bad – I leave it like that – you can come and see for yourself if you are interested in a puppy.

A pink spot in the mouth of an older dog is a pink spot in the mouth of an older dog and it stays right there in my photos!



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